Okay, okay, I'm back online finally. I'm thankful that someone got these pictures for me so that I can remember how many people were supporting me in Las Vegas; my closest friends and family. I was crying before the fashion show even started that night because my 82 year old grandmother had made the trip to Las Vegas. For someone that doesn't show much emotion I have to admit I was a little emotional a couple times during the week. My mom made me a small scrapbook with pictures of all my friends and family and co-workers and they each wrote me a message next to their pictures. I received it from our chaperons on the way back to our rooms one night and I opened it and the first picture was of my parents and then my grandpa Wade that passed away when my dad was young and the tears just started flowing. Miss Rodeo Wyoming Allie Bass said "Chris, you're so funny" but I couldn't help it. Each time I turned the page more tears would come and soon I was almost laughing because I was being such a baby and then I closed the book and there was this long sigh of relief..... Competing for Miss Rodeo America was one of the biggest events of my life and I didn't want to let anyone down, but throughout the week it became apparent that they would be proud of me no matter the results and honestly I was proud of myself. I placed in the top 10 out of some beautiful, smart, talented young women and I had the time of my life. It was such a great experience and I made some of the best friends that I will ever have. I appreciate everyone that was there supporting me including our Miss Rodeo Utah committee and the Ogden Pioneer Days Rodeo Committee. I hope you all had an awesome week, as did I. Look at the bright side, I'm still Miss Rodeo Utah for seven more months.
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