Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mtn. Valley Stampede Parade

Two parades and a rodeo in one day and Congo looks like he is loving life- don't you think? You would never guess that this old boy is a stallion. He is my dad's team roping horse and he makes the best parade horse. He's pretty easy going.

It was so neat to have one of my first rodeos in my hometown, especially because I am the first cowgirl from Wasatch County to win Miss Rodeo Utah. Its such an honor and I appreciate everyone and their support and well wishes. It means so much!

Gathering of the Guard

After the Roy Parade I visited the Healing Field in Ogden, Utah. This field is a tribute to every American life lost during the Global War on Terror, where an American Flag is raised in the name of each American. There are approximately 5000 flags raised in the shape of the United States, making it the largest flag field display of its kind in history. It was an emotional experience to remember those that have stood for America and fought for the freedoms that we enjoy.

I was able to meet the Bees and Utah State University Mascots and they even allowed me to get my horse out of the trailer "as long as he was pottie trained". The visitors were very interested in my horse and I even had a young girl who had lost her father in the Iraq War get on Congo with me for a picture. It was definitely a "Weekend to Remember" and such an honor.

Roy Days Parade

Saturday was a packed day. The morning began at the Roy Days Parade and I had my first little panic attack as Miss Rodeo Utah. I went to check-in for the parade and they didn’t have me entered! Some how my entry had been deleted from their list but they were so great. They put me at the front of the parade with the dignitaries, gave me a corsage, and made me feel welcome. They weren’t “expecting horses” and I had the only horse in the entire parade, but the attendees really seemed to enjoy the whinnying horse. I’m sure the Roy City Police Department enjoyed the parade right behind us in their clean vehicles more than I enjoyed their sirens the whole morning. Thank goodness they weren’t on duty as they watched my un-registered trailer driving down the parade route. Thank you Roy City for making me feel welcome at your parade!