Saturday, June 5, 2010

Price Black Diamond Legends PRCA Rodeo

I attended another Tough Enough to Wear Pink night at the rodeo with my two new little girl friends in Price, Utah. It was great to be on hand with rodeo clown Kevin Higley and stock contractor Pat O'Maley of Slash T Rodeo Company. I appreciate the Black Diamond Legends Rodeo for inviting me and for their hospitality.

It was a long, but fun weekend traveling from Moab to South Jordan and back to Price and I want to tell my mom and dad how much I appreciate them for taking time off work to travel with me this busy weekend.

2010 Pharmacy Cup and Polo Match

The Pharmacy Cup fundraiser provided a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the sport of kings while supporting the College of Pharmacy at the University of Utah. The U's Pharmacy program ranks among the top programs in the nation and the money raised will make it possible for the U scientists and researchers to work in a world class facility. The polo match honors the legacy and generosity of the Skaggs family, who are wonderful supporters of the College of Pharmacy and passionate fans of polo who also had a daughter playing in the match today.
A common supporter of the Pharmacy Cup, Miss Rodeo Utah, and Ogden Pioneer Days is Mr. Spence Eccles, who placed the Miss Rodeo Utah crown on my head at Pioneer Stadium on July 24th. He gave me the traditional kiss on the cheek today and told me that he plans to be a part of the crowning ceremony this year as he has for many years.