Friday, October 9, 2009

Spanish Fork FFA Fundraiser

Tonight I got to be a kid again at the Spanish Fork FFA Carnival where the high school students were raising money to pay for their trip to National FFA Convention because their chapter had the winning state horse judging team. I got to jump in their bounce house, pet farm animals with my little Samantha, throw darts at balloons and play horseshoes with Tammy Sweat-Chipman, throw a whip cream pie in a little kids face (lol), eat nachos and cotton candy, and all sorts of other crazy things. I really enjoyed myself. Their advisor and teacher, Kasee Smith took me in their Ag Building and showed me the bones of the Horse Steve that the students are cleaning and re-building and I got a good lesson on teeth and some other bones. I want to thank Kasee and the FFA for inviting me to their event and I wish them the best of luck and hope they have a ton of fun at National Convention next week!